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Name: Louise
Details: 56 years old (Gemini), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Oxford...Witney, London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/babeliciousuk
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I don't bite...Honest!
Me and my Tribe
In my own words

A note to all you guys out there who think you can have whom ever you want if you have money...money doesn't give you power or respect, these things you have to earn! Also, when it comes to style, you either have it, or you don't....changing your suit does not cover up the person underneath!

I have just been blocked and voted a Psycho by a welsh guy because I told him I didnt like Wales or the Welsh accent...Just shows you the mentality of the Welsh huh! I rest my case!
My Pet Hate...

Men on here that think they're going to get laid on the strength of their photos and a few cheesy chat up lines.
Two faced people too....if you have nothing nice to say, then I suggest you don't speak! Honesty is the best policy!
oh, and one last thing I hate is Double Standards!
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__emma__1989 wrote...  
your from whitney? how weird is that! you know bourton-on-the-water?
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6 photos
Favorite Things

Fresh fruit smoothies & chicken Caesar Salad

can't live without it!

TV Show
Changes...all depends whats on!

only read educational stuff, not fiction.

Pretty Woman, Notting Hill, Sexy Beast

Night Club / Bar
Been there, done that!

Been known to be....

my kids, my best friend Tony

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Manhattan, South of France, S. Afri

diamonds, my morals, dignity.and being in love!


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