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outgoing, friendly, bubbly, happy-go-lucky!
Name: Ashley
Details: 38 years old (Sagittarius), Female, In Relationship, Lesbian
Location: Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/ashleytuk
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In my own words

well heres abit bout me, ive just fine my nurse training and still looking for a job, working as a carer at the mo, i have a gorgeous girlfriend called tracy who i met in manc, whos just fab basically, who i miss constantly! lol! i'm a black belt in karate, tho i'm not large on the butch. i'm a fun luvin lass, likes-meeting new ppl, going out, drawing, most types of music,warm weather, the colour green, cats...
dislikes- having to go to work, coldness,which is shoite at the moment cos the weathers colder than a witches tit! scary charver music that sounds like sum ones having a fit, lol! ppl who think theyre all that and a bag of chips, liars, cruelty,racism,hunger and whoah starting to get alittle deep there lol!
soooo bored!
how bord am i please! why do all my friends have to work when i actually get a day off! how rude! lol! ive just been looking for dancing on ice tickets for my mams bday, but sadly i cant get em, cos its going to cost 80 whole english pounds to get two, and im poor so she have to be happy with boots smellies again lol! ah i have to go out side soon as well and its snowing! whats the crack with tha, wish the cold weather wud just sod off! its colder than a witches tit! lol i wana b in manc!
From Now On...

work like you dont need the money,
live like you'll never die,
love like you've never been hurt,
dance like no one's watching
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the_pink_beaker wrote...  
mint luv it babes! im hardly gorgeous tho, did ya like me msg LOL! mwah xtx
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Favorite Things

italian, indian, nandos!

alanis morrisette,texas,p!nk,anastacia-phoar!

TV Show
whos line, bad girls,

steven king cos he scares me shoiteless,

anything really, adventure, horror, comedy mainly

Night Club / Bar
the dog, heavens,ttonic, coyotes


alyson hannagan! phwoar! lol!

anywhere with my girl

CDs, photo album,phone


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