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Name: annoni
Details: 32 years old, Female, Lesbian
Location: On the dark side of the moon, Essex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/annonimouse
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In my own words

I have a lust in me to touch and feel another,
I am scared to get near.
That silent other who sits in front of me,
looks out on the world with new eyes
and sighs everyday for a new love to speak it's name and yet I sit behind it.
Blog 5 posts | view all
I had the most vivid dream last night and I have been telling everyone so I thought I would record it. It was one of those dreams where its like a movie but you are in it as the watcher (camera?) but you can see smell feel taste, all the senses, weird. read on...
The Meaning Of Life...

Is to procreate.
That is to have children, however that is not the important question.
The important question is how do you get as many people in bed as possible through your lives stay on this world before and after you procreate? Afterall happiness comes in small amounts, the trick is to constantly feed on small amounts. Oh one last thing, any man who thinks that sex is all about them and their comming is a total waste of time, i would rather do it myself and stay pe
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Comments 8 of 8 | post a comment | view all
dormer-ere wrote...  
Don't be sorry hun I'm sure you got your reasons. But not all blokes the same and nice guys get fucked over as i found out the hard way lol. Look after yourself and take care x
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goodbye_blue_sky wrote...  
wow, you're beautiful :)
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey, how are you!
You got a nice profile, it would be nice talking to you!
holla back with you email (msn) aite i'll see ya then or add me
lataz kisses
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nikki10101016 wrote...  
yes lol sortin college out.
lol bles ya yh thts mad lol
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nikki10101016 wrote...  
do i okay.whoz we?
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nikki10101016 wrote...  
hi iam okay thanx u
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lullaby-bex wrote...  
hey how r u?
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anna_fitas wrote...  
Your welcome to kiss it whenever you want. Xxx
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