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annie will rock ur sox! <3I love Santa Claus n Tommy Alexander who has sexy sexy hair
Name: Annelisa
Details: 35 years old (Aquarius), Female, Straight
Location: Devonia, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/annelisa666
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Me n Superman <3xxx
Me n Laura on Halloween I'm the Nurse!
In my own words

I've always bin told I have a big personality, n I just don't really care wot ppl think of me cos its who I am, n I won't change 4 anyone! I love being stupid. N messin about, cos u only get 1 life, so u mite aswell live it n have as much fun as u can! Im friendly, a good listener and always willing to give ppl advice. I can be quite loud, and i'm a big chatterbox so If you want 2 keep all the credit on ur fone, don't fone me!I love my friends 2 bits. They're all really important 2 me especially my best m8s, Rosie, Lea, Jacs n Laura.I'm bicurious(if u no wot th@ means)and Danish which I'm told is a very kinky combination!
ps my private chat doesnt work by the way so DONT try private chat msging me!
I'm gona b in Nuts magazine!!!!wooo
If I was a Millionaire...

Id buy a massive penthouse or mansion in America or Barbados Playboy mansion stylee with a gorgeous pool,jacuzi and personal slaves 2 give me massages. I'd have a silver ferrari and a harley to go round the shops and clubs I'd move the Ekky there aswell n we'd still hav our ledgenary monday nites!
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Favorite Things

Chinese Lemon Chicken n Haggandaaz cookies n crm

RockSlipknot,Metallica,Arch Enemy,HIM,Iron Maiden

TV Show
Sex And The CityMy Name is Earl,OC,Corrie

Malorie Blackman

The best film in the world is Grease

Night Club / Bar
Johnnys,Quigleys,Caesers,Remed ies,Ekky Inn!<3

Horses.I'm a big fan of riding!;-)

Rosie, Jacs, Lea,JordanLeanne,Laura,Nick,Jeebers

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America, Meyorca, London My Bed

My voice , fone,my GHDs n my sexy n


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