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Name: Amy
Details: 39 years old (Capricorn), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Australia, South Australia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/angelblondebabe
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ooo risk-ey!
In my own words

Hi I'm Amy. I was told about this site by a work mate, so I thought I would give it a go, seems OK.

things to know about me: I'm a fun loving ozzie girl who will chat to anyone really. I love to shop, work and party. I am not a work-a-holic, I just enjoy what I do, and not many people can say that! I'm here to make friends and gain a bit more exposure as a model, so hello :)
In A Perfect World...

size 0 would be banned all over the world to stop little girls believing thin is beautiful, I know its my industry which is responsible but I am not part of that culture,diets would be bined and gyms would be free to encourage a healthy lifestyle, not eating then throwning up, or starving yourself to look like that stupid woman Victoria Beckham..she needs a good meal insider her!
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simo_westhull wrote...  
hiy hun how's you? i am coming 2 perth next year and would love 2 bump into you wbx
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xsexeyx wrote...  
Im not that pretty tho.. doubt she will be interested in me.. Is she based in the uk?
Because your all the way in Austrailia...
I would love to do modeling.. and NO not the glamour type with boobs and bum out.. something like what u do is tasteful and cute x
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Pics from work!!!
8 photos
Favorite Things

I enjoy good food, which means anything!

I listen to so many types its too hard 2 pick!

TV Show
can't say I have time for TV

I'm into the glossies more than books

way too many to choose from!

Night Club / Bar
as long as the atmosphere is good I don't care

loads, way too many to mention in this gap!

my manager and my mother

any where with good company and good food!

OK this is sad, but my blackberry ha ha


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