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Name: amyt89
Details: 33 years old, Female, Single, Straight
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/amyt89
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night out
In my own words

So my latest fitness challenge is running the Grim Challenge course in May, im runnning for 'help for heroes' if you'd like to sponsor me please go to... www.justgiving.com/Amy-Taylor9
ORRRR text 'AMYT89 £' (insert the amount you want to donate) to 70070. It's an amazing cause and a horrible challenge for me!!
im still struggling for sponsorships! id be really grateful for every penny, just a few pounds would help in such a huge way! xx
In A Perfect World...

thngs wud b very different....
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Comments 10 of 74 | post a comment | view all
killerkaz wrote...  
U r fireflies!!!
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mim08 wrote...  
hey you ok x
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marky_b84 wrote...  
Ahhh well I'd give you some tlc if I could, even a nandos if your lucky!! ;) I'm a graphic designer. Yeah that would be cool. I'm just about to have some dinner so can chat after if your around? What's your addy and I will add you after xx
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j-2009 wrote...  
I may have a fair idea. Off to tenerife Friday for a week should be a laugh. U got plans? X
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marky_b84 wrote...  
That's true, not nice being ill! Anyway, we need all the nurses we can get so hurry up and get better!! :) x
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marky_b84 wrote...  
Missing a bit of work can't be a bad thing? ;) what do you work as? oh right cool, not that far really then! X
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marky_b84 wrote...  
Oh no sorry to hear that! I'm just recovering from the same myself so know how you feel! I'm from Bromley, yourself? X
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j-2009 wrote...  
Lol sounds fab. Envious of the lucky lad too! Xx
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j-2009 wrote...  
That's a right result, time off is always a result. Lucky lady x x
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j-2009 wrote...  
Na got 2 weeks off now lucky me. X
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friends, eastenders, family guy

dan brown

reign over me!!!! best film ever!!

Night Club / Bar
oceana kingston style!




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