In my own words im fun layed bk n outgoin i love bein a mum it is hard sumtimes bt i love her 2 bits mwah!2 faced ppl piss me off dey cn jog on!or any 1 wiv attitude lol apart from dat im just myself a lovin party animal! x
Hey there u, hows it going? Happy NY btw!!! Just thought id do the friendly thing & just send u a quick hello. Well, cos thats just the wonderful charmin lovable (UhUm & not forgetting good looking of course lol) guy i am, hehe. Im not really that big headed.. honest lol. Anyhoo Im sure im boring the complete arse off u by now so if u ever wanted to send me a hello back sometime well that'd be just dandy hehe. xx
hi im chris just wanna no if u fancy a chat ur really good looking so if u do fancy a chat please message me bk or add me on msn [email protected] i also got more pics on there