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Name: alissac
Details: 35 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Haarlem, Netherlands
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/alissac
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In my own words

well, I'm 20, from New Zealand, but moved to Holland. I'm basically a very happy person, always up for a good time and a few laughs with friends or any kind of junkfood :) also a very serious chocolate addict, it's a real problem, I'm getting help! I study journalism in Amsterdam and I work parttime at a company that tests gambling machines, cool huh :P That's me in short!
If You Pay Me...

I'll buy all the junkfood and chocolate in the world and eat it hehe :) yeah, there's not really anything in it for you..
Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
sinteroma wrote...  
I have fructose and lactose intolerance, so I can't eat most junk food.
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starks20 wrote...  
hi there nice profile.
i live in wijk aan zee and was wondering if you fancied chatten some time?
where in new zealand are you from?
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novalis109 wrote...  
I am George, a philosophy student and squash player from London. I really liked your profile. You seem interesting and you are very good-looking. I would like to get to know you. If you have MSN, please add me ([email protected]), or tell me your MSN address, or just message me back. Looking forward to your reply. There is a photo of me on MSN. George
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njackets wrote...  
hiya babe im going over 2 Netherlands over xmas were r all the best clubs Rotterdam or Amsterdam? oh nice pics by the way.! .x
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Favorite Things

taco's, seafood, all kinds of junkfood, fries

everything except hardcore and death metal :)

TV Show
Will & Grace, Lost, Friends, Medium, GG, DH

Jill Mansell, James Patterson, Milan Kundera

Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, City of Angels

Night Club / Bar
Tara's Bar, Patronaat, Studio, XO Bar

cats, dogs and kiwi's :)

my mum!

Akaroa, NZ

my bed! I love it :)


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