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Tall, Blonde, Blue-eyed,)
Name: alice-louise
Details: 41 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Kingston, Ldn, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/alice-louise
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Miss Wales-sexy stems 2006!
Me & my gorg girly no1!!
In my own words

Hey well..a blue-eyed 6ft blonde,)!I don't take life seriously...each day for each day!I've not been on a dating thing b4..sick meeting guys out!No comment!I love my girlies,good food,& a drink and a good boogie!I run, well jog to keep fit ..I did the BlkPool marathon last year&I'm on the Ldn this yr..mad really!all 4good cause though!(Running 4 MultipleSclerosis Society-PLS feel free 2 sponsor') www.justgiving.com/alicelouise - money goes straight2charity-thks!)
I'm very opinionated&strong-willed, yet I'm caring & bit overly sensitive. But guys I've NO TIME FOR BULL in my life..I'm not EASY,or stupid! I'd like 2 meet some1 who is interesting,funny,-really just a nice, yet bit raw,guy; Whose secure,takes care of himself, honest,&has seen some of the world..& has ambition!Yeah,..well I'm just lookin4 a nice guy 4 some nice dates!nd sexy ladies to have fun with!x
No messages left:( x
Hey - I'm not allowed to send any more messages...less course set up a pro. face account...nd no...so soz to y'all I can't message bk - maybe I'll message you tomorrow,)
Good nite nd god bless! Alice Xx
In A Perfect World...

People would treat others they why they'd like to be treated...not hard hey! All the pennies in the world would be pooled so no-one would suffer poverty; people would respect other beings, animals and the world we live in!
And I'd live happily by the beach, in hot tropics..sunbath, swim,dive have a boat; Mayb country house too with rescue animals...Ha! and course my dream-date')!
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
bob678_99 wrote...  
I would say that im not half bad at recognising a beautiful lady these days. I've seen my fair share of good looking people, and i've been lucky enough to travel around a fair bit. and you my dear, you look absolutely fantastic - And I have no problems thinking that you're one of the prettiest people i've seen in a long time. No joking, no pulling your leg. I seriously do think you do look gorge.
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barzman wrote...  
Your Stunning babe! Liked your profile and pics. If you wana chat add me [email protected] or message me back on here. thanks gorgeous! Sam x Write back
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kingwilliam20 wrote...  
nice pic i have one in profile,you can add me to msn [email protected] message me back
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Favorite Things

Italian,Thai,Chinese, KFC, Chocolate!

Indie rock, bands,RnB pop,dance..funky/elec house

TV Show
Friends,Grey's,24,... CSI BBC/ITV Dramas

Mark Haddon;Dan Brown;J.K.Rowling!

Lord of Rings;Green Mile;MeetJoeBlk..Dodge Ball!!

Night Club / Bar
Any..with drink&music.nd good co.!


Angelina Jolie

Beach...anywhere beautiful!

My dog...clothes, shoes!


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