|  Name: | xx Abbey Wild xx | |  | Details: | 32 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight |  | Location: | **[[BlAcKpOoL]]_--[[Thornton]] * xXx, Lancashire, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/abbeylababe |
  In my own words
 EvErY gIrL wAnTs A lAd WhO sHe CaN gO 2 iN hEr SwEaTs, HaIr A mEsS mAkE uP rUnNiNg DoWn HeR fAcE, eYeS rEd FrOm CrYiNg AnD tHe FiRsT tHiNg He SaYs To HeR iS bAbY yOuR bEaUtIfUl AnD mEaNs It....xx LoVe My gIrLs kAtIe Nd KiRsTY <3 x EvRy1 eLsE lUfFfF yOo 2 bItS YoO AlL MeaN ThE wOrLd To Me xx KeEp HolD oF tHoSe YoU tRuElY lOvE TiGhT yOu NevA nO wAntS tHe CoRnER nD iT cAn Be TaKe FrOm YoU aNyTIme!! |
 The Meaning Of Life...
 HaVe No ReGrEtS, LiVe LiFe To ThE fUlL, tAkE chAnCeS, AvOiD sHiT, AfTeR aLl NoThINg LaStS fOrEvER aNd EvRyThiN hApPeNs FoR a ReASoN...oNe DaY yOo CaN sAy I dId iT mY wAy ;) XxX |
  Comments | 10 of 11 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | xkirstybabiix wrote... | |  | iim goiin 2 miss uu wen uu go on bludy dunny holiday miss wild!! wot an i gunna do.. thats part of the summer wovout uu :O and wen i go 2 france (club corez) :O we need 2 fit alot of mad times inbetweeen :D im sure we will wooo nn i no im the bizz ;) lol lurrrv uu cupcake lol mwah xxxxXXXXxxxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | xkirstybabiix wrote... | |  | abbey for 1.. i just dnt love u nemore.. for 2..and for 3!! just get real ay !! god abbey !! lmaooo oooh luv ya xxx :P |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | lisaspringall wrote... | |  | Im gr8 with my new bf =D ... sooo different my ex's lmao...Definitly 4 the bst =D Has he bin in touch wiv u yet tellin u e still loves u =P haha ... wb x x x |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | xkirstybabiix wrote... | |  | hiii.. just thought id leavee u a msg cuz i lurrv u so much lol.. :P n im bored :D !! cnt wait til we leave skoolll !! will u send me the other pics u got from hevas party n that pweasse chicken pie :D lurrv ya xxx |  |  |  | send message |
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