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Name: anton
Details: 36 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/a-n-t-o-n
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me n lis back in our emo days
21st again..bitch of a hangover the next day!
me at my 21st....STEAMERRRR!!!! lol
me & tom from mcfly :D
In my own words

God I never know what to write in these things!! I like music and cinema and my friends and taking photos and emmmm loads of stuff!!! Hugs are fun...so are kisses :-D...I dont like shallow people and people who are rude for no reason. I HATE it wen you hold the door open for someone behind you and they dont say thanks...its just plain rude!! I hate people who cant sing but somehow manage to get a record deal. I like listening to power ballads and miming the words and doing big hand movements! I have a tendancy to lose things...usually mobile phones, lol! Although, Ive had my current phone for 6 months now and I havent lost it yet...well I did lose the battery but thats another story for another time, haha!! My friend recently had a wee boy called iain and im the godfather...hes the cutest wee thing in the world. He makes me proud as punch :-D lol. Newho, iv rambled enough now. Leave me a message if u want. Catchye!!
My Dream Date...

hayden christensen...he is THE sex!!!!
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Favorite Things

loads of stuff but my faves are italian&chinese

anything n everything

TV Show
Family Guy SATC W&G DH Ugly Betty Skins XFactor

cant think of 1 in particular. Harlen Coben maybe

Hairspray and HSM and many many more!!

Night Club / Bar
Moda & Polo & Arches & ABC & Karbon!!! :-D

a cute wee puppy! but my mum wont let me hav 1 :(

i couldnt possibly choose, hehe :-P

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my bed :-) (wot a cliche, but its true)

my mobile (yet another cliche, lol!)


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