In my own words why be sad when you can be happy?! Too many people spend their time worrying and being upset, they should realise that life is what you make it!I have awesome people around me so i have no reason to be sad =) xxxx
In A Perfect World... i would get a personal trainer, go on a huge shopping spree around the world then give loads of money to charity and make sure i saw every band i wanted 2 c! I would get married in the Disney Sleeping Beauty castle and have Cinderellas dress (not a tacky thing like Jordans) and have the proper Cinderella Carriage! =) i can dream! I would never cry and would never have too watch other people hurt.
hey, how are you! You got a nice profile, it would be nice talking to you! holla back with you email (msn) aite i'll see ya then or add me lataz kisses SaraH