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You say I only work all night and day, do say use me, Im cheap to rent.
Name: Tyr
Details: 42 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Straight
Location: London / Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/_cheap_to_rent_
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In my own words


And things..

Lots of things...
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The Meaning Of Life...

Six multiplied by nine, clearly.
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Comments 10 of 161 | post a comment | view all
frag-doll wrote...  
it was just not possible to do -- everyone failed with the twister mats apart from one person , then the room was used for something else - it would of been so much fun if id of managed to re create it ! :( and ty! thought you would like it haha :D x
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evilfairy99 wrote...  
fet sites are cool lol
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evilfairy99 wrote...  
i didnt look but i will now.
you do firez at errorz?or organise the fuel or somthing? cos you look really familiar
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lilcutedeadgirl wrote...  
allo u *waves*
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nathanjrb wrote...  
Haha! Yeah my mate Amelia was the first up there! There's a pic of me like How the fuck did you get up there? and then in the next one I'm up there.... then EVERYONE was up there haha! Was such a laugh tbh!
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shadowwhisper wrote...  
I broked my touchscreen which worked fantastic for faceparty. So i'm on a cheapo one untill i get it fixed which i can't afford untill i get paid (after my op) So i'm stuck with wanting to kill other hospital people i think :D x
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shadowwhisper wrote...  
Oooooh you're still as charming as ever :P I should stay in touch more if i get showered with compliments. Heh. Aye it will be worth it in the long run. Not looking forward to being in hospital for so long though. I'll be soooo bored!! Eeek x
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shadowwhisper wrote...  
Been waiting for it since i was 9. But i get a math perfect face. Its all about the angles ratios and measurements or some tripe like that. My nose to top lip ratio is 15 degrees out. :| Don't ask i did and it was hard to understand aha. xx
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shadowwhisper wrote...  
Cheek, chin and jaws reconstructive surgery :) Basically it all gets broken and fixed back together better :) x
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shadowwhisper wrote...  
I'm good thanks :) I get my face surgery on the 25th so i'm just not sleeping for thinking about that. Nervous much. Glad you're okay =D. Whats new with you? xx
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Photos of me
8 photos, 1 video
Fire Photos
7 photos
ErrorZ in Marshmallow Land
56 photos
Favorite Things

The heads of small children, sometimes a cat or 2

Goth, ebm, industrial, etherial, weird shit

TV Show
Never watch it, don't even own one.

Scifi/fantasy mostly, Heinlein, Gibson, Tolkien.


My monkey brother in arms, together we stand.

Anywhere warm and cosy I can snuggle in.

Alas I havn't found her yet.


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