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My old tagline got deleted *cries*
Name: Danii
Details: 34 years old (Pisces), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Berkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/_blonde_danii
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we thought we were cool ......
sexy goldfish
In my own words

Well there isn't a lot to me so I will make this simple. Things I love: wrapping up warm in the winter then going out for a long walk, When stranger says Hi and smiles to you for no reason, That warm feeling you get from drinking a hot chocolate when its cold, Being on the phone for hours talking about nothing, Sitting under a tree and watching the rain fall around you, Looking forward to the day ahead of you, Jumping in puddles, Someone saying you look good on a bad day, Watching the joy someone gets from something you have done from them, Having unexpected presents, Someone gives you a hug for no reason other than they want to, Music,
My Pet Hate...

When someone is in a bad mood and takes it out on you, Someone complaining about petty things, Arrogant people, Narrow minded people, People who take advantage of others, People who are unable to type correctly, People who say Lol, Lmao, omg out loud, People who are depressed, People who judge others, People who are sexist.
Comments 9 of 9 | post a comment | view all
chrisrocks04 wrote...  
how lovely are you :) x
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manxlad wrote...  
Fit as!!!!
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hybrid_gore wrote...  
oooo cesspit with you hmmmm tempting.... *gets naked an puts on flippers* XD xxx
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_new_in_town wrote...  
A cesspit!? Charming...
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dodsley wrote...  
ok im guessing seen as your single and really hot that youve done something. WHO YOU KILL lol:p
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guitarist_kenny wrote...  
ur soo beautiful baby :)
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slabmurphy wrote...  
you are like a princess in that prom dress WOW
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ryanstheman wrote...  
wow u r stunning
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djencore wrote...  
hiya sexy cnt message u cause ur inbox is full but ur the sexciest girl on faceparty.
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Favorite Things


Rock, alt rock, indie, punk, scremo, metal, etc

TV Show
The OC, Skins, Scrubs,

Sophie Kinsella

Hooded youths

That little carboard house near the tramps

Ipod, Purple eyeliner, Save my whales T-shirt


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