In my own words Hi!!! I'm Kate if you didnt already know! I am a jr fleet administrator at minories toyota garage on newcastle road I also work on the hair extension stall saturday and sundays which is also very fun just coza the cronies haha!! altho I may not seem it I am clever. Just thought I would inform you of that information. However I was not blessed with common sense so apparantly I should have been blond!?!? I love to go out and get so shit faced I cant see! I have a boyfriend of three years! He's my babe and I love him millions!! My best friend is lori clark/bevan she likes to change her name sometimes =/ i love her more then life we are like a married couple. Abbey is a legend v unique and says what she thinks can get no beta! Bekah (Boob Tassle) is cool she is very calm n stuff ttl opp 2 me but i still love her! My other best friend is Blaise Parker love her as much as drink well that might be going a bit far lol but i love her. My other b
If I was a Millionaire... I'd shop myself to death =D