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Dream as if you'll live forever
Name: Ask me and i might tell u
Details: 37 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/7thsin
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Me dressed as prince charming
In my own words

Well i'm a nice enough kind of guy - apparently. Like to be my own person and not go with the flow - as the searing masses of leeds queens arent exactly the best role models :).

Study English literature at Leeds uni and love it. Spend majority of time hanging out with my friends doing something or other. Enjoy people and spending time around others. Do and say stupid things on occasion - partly because i'm a bit of a diz and partly just to see the reaction.

Love going out clubbing, sitting in watching films or rereading one of my fav books. Write pseudo-intellectual poetry on occasion (keeping up the pretentions as any good english student should). Can come across in the wrong way most of the time but i'm a friendly guy so send me a msg sometime :)

p.s. no offers of hook ups please as thats just rude and gross
The Meaning Of Life...

...is to give meaning to your own life.
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Favorite Things

Dim sum

Cheesy Pop, R'n'b and Indie, 50's, rock

TV Show
Charmed, Heroes, Criminal Minds, south park

Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, William Blake

Lion in Winter, Interview With a Vampire, Scream

Night Club / Bar
Mission, HiFi, Library Pub, Baja, Star, Fruity

Penguins and chinchillas

James Dean

Venice or Paris

My Worry Ring


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