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I think my profile needs a re jig, what do you reckon?
Name: H
Details: 46 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: South West London, originally Wirral., United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/70sshow
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In my own words

Time to change this part....


ahh bollocks to it. If you like what you see, say hello. Hell, if you don't like what you see, say hello. If I tell you everything about myself here what will there be left to talk about.

To all my FP amigos, big love n huggs to ya.

Blog 5 posts | view all
Rock out with your cock out
OK, seriously does any one want to see a guy with his dick on show as a profile pic?
I mean come on....I love the female form but I'm not going near a girls profile that has her with her legs akimbo and no underwear. Am I the only one who thinks like this?
My Worst Day...

When my dad died when I was 7. However, it's made me pretty much always happy and churpy because there's nothing much that can be be as bad as that and therefore I keep smiling.
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Comments 10 of 78 | post a comment | view all
sexy_little_jen wrote...  
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jasmin2hot wrote...  
Hey, how's it going? Happy new year to you :) x
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girl202 wrote...  
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-donnamatrix- wrote...  
I might post it, just to be annoying ;o) lol.. Are you on MSN? x
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-donnamatrix- wrote...  
Sounds like a beautiful evening! No plans really, just recovering! Don't want this cold to last any longer than it has to! Might get a nice early night for a change.. unless you've got any better ideas! x
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-donnamatrix- wrote...  
My geographical skills aren't too great but hmm! Yeah I know around there ish.. not really though.. Haven't been around there for a good while! Didn't get upto much.. domestic goddess duties, shopping etc! How about you? Anything exciting happening tonight..?! Other than me being on your doorstep when you get in of course! x
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-donnamatrix- wrote...  
Bognor sounds delightful! I've had the pleasure of going to that fine place once before.. truly lovely it was..! The weather has sucked all day here, so god knows what's going on where you are! And yeah, I know it ish.. know people in Isleworth, Twickenham, Mortlake etc..! x
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-donnamatrix- wrote...  
Does this mean I can carry on booking our lavish honeymoon too? ;o) I'm alright thanks.. just having a lazy ish day.. had a fight with a pile of ironing.. and a few fights with my mirror but that's just a daily thing! How about you? Lovely weather huh; is it raining where you are? Which is another point.. where are you!? x
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-donnamatrix- wrote...  
LOL.. I'm kidding! Cali sounded a bit more exotic than 'Oxford' haha.. Looks like our marriage is back on after all? ;o) xxxx
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-donnamatrix- wrote...  
Wow.. you make your job sound thrilling haha! Pays the bills though eh? I'd love you to come and nurse me.. I'm a bit of a drama queen when I'm ill.. so all sympathy, kindness, slavery etc is appreciated ;o) I live all the way in Cali babe! Hard to believe huh.. such a distance between us.. how are we ever gonna marry when we're oceans apart!? ;o) x
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Old but needed more on here.
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Best little Doggy
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Favorite Things

All sorts, Italian, Thai, Indian, Chineese....

Tenacious D, Cold Play, Jimmy Eat World

TV Show
That 70s Show, Lost,The West Wing, 24, The Wire

J.R.R.Tolkien, Terry Pratchet

Far too many to name individually.


Jim Carrey

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