In my own words
 im a down 2 earth person. i am very bubbly especially wen im drunk, i do stupid things wen im drunk which i shudnt do. u only live once n u shudnt take notice ov wot ppl say as u spend 2 much time tryin 2 impress ova ppl wen u find that u r perfect n its jst low lifes who put u down as they no u r better than them !! |
If I was a Millionaire...
 i wudnt b sat here now |
Comments | 1 of 1 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  | gary_gay wrote... | |  | i am defo 100% sure i have seen you out on a monday night in darlo before, sure of it unless you where really drunk and carnt remember which would be the excuse i usually use lmao :P videos are so cool didnt no anyone could still remember the venga boys :P |  |  |  | send message |