In my own words ok im easy going like meeting new people enjoy raeki love my music and love my kids with a passion enjoy reading and going out drinking with my friends getting tattoes
In A Perfect World... we should all live life to the max, never regret anything,weather it good or bad,and try to be nice to at least 1 person every day because no one knows how long we have here. always speak to people how you expect to be spoken 2 and live life this is not a dress rehersal unfortunetly
hi ste im good babe hope you are too - check my blog face party party night out sat if ur free going down matthew st if interested let me know & i will give u pub and meeting time nxt fewdys x
babe i will defo chat to ya was just talking to 2 other ppl so couldnt take any more men on lol !!! i will catch ya soon babe promise need some sleeps xxxx ;0)