In my own words calld a bubbli gal n always up 4 a laf! ambition in life is 2 bcum an underwer model :P:P)...i was born 2 flirt n shop 4 undawer...haha...i like chatin new ppl speshli proper fine sekc ladz :P n always get my way :P ....i av mi blonde moments dai 2 dai bt overall im 1 ina million cz i am a clever blonde :P :D .... :P neways luv ya xxxx
If I was a Millionaire... *...i wud still b me...:P... perfect in evri way...haha...*
ano ye amust be well planned now and yea still doin the wed n thurs nights and weeknds n 2bh not bin up to much part frm a drive now n ano a bought sum pear drops other day so thought ad msg ya ul av cum say hi sumtym u no wer a am at hurleys :) n ok hun well msg me ya new num coz av chngd mine 2 :) xxx
Hiya, howz u? i seen ur profile and thought i'd give ya a shout. I'm on msn if u fancy a chat. u can give me ur msn or just ask for mine. Speak soon me hopes xxx