Name: | SweetCheeks | |  | Details: | 36 years old (Scorpio), Female, In Relationship, Straight |  | Location: | °o.O ..YaRmOutH BaBii .. O.o°, Norfolk, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | |
In my own words
 .HeY iM NiCo [&] i aM a PrinCess .. You Can Probably See Im On Of The Most Gily Gilys Alive! Love Everyfing Pink =] BaRbiE Is My Style Icon..Kall It An Obsssionn? I Call I My Passionn .. i DreSS UniQue[&] D0Nt rEAlly CARe B0uT wHAt y0u THiNk bOut iT..iM a faShiOn wHorE * mAkeUp iS my pAsSioN iTs JuST a fiNiShiNG t0Uch t0 L0oK gAwGe0Us; dOnt eVeR tEll mE i wEaR tOo mUch Of iT..i sHoUld kNoW hOw mUch i WeaR..i pUt iT oN mYseLf.iM a biT BiTcHy,bUt thAt's OkAy!..i CAn BE StuBB0rN,bUt WHAT cAN i SAY i JusT kn0W wHat i WAnT & USuALLy DEtERmiNEd t0 gEt iT!.... CheCky mY bebO Out ... ... |
In A Perfect World...
 xxxx !!! ... iN a PeRfeCt wORlD iLd Bee the QueeN BitCh [&] eVeRy1 WuD Bee mY slaVes ... Im a fuCkinG gOddeSS ... nOw staRt wOrshipinG ... !!! xxxx |
Comments | 10 of 21 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | shadows_edge wrote... | |  | hey hun u ok i dont mind u being spoilt i wud spoil ya lol plus ur gorgeous hope im lucky enuff for u 2 chat to me hun x |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | c1intio wrote... | |  | oi oi savaloy mmmm i could spend all day n night plessuring u lol without using my knob lololol u ok babe??? |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | rancey69 wrote... | |  | i've got sunday evening blues- even though i've got no uni or work 2moro, its still the end of the weekend! just wondered if u might fancy chatting? xx |  |  |  | send message |