In my own words hi ppl its actually Gemma NOT Jaymi i dnt like ppl dat lie i dnt like ppl dat cheet or steel plz dnt ask me 2 get ma tits out on webcam nt gunna hapn and i am not interested in cyber sex or nefink like dat so dnt ask i like ppl who r funny dats one way 1 get ma attention ha i dnt judge ppl judge fat thin ugly pretty wot eva i dnt cunt giv a poop i like ppl for who they r and no an not a fukin angel football is one of THE most important thigs in my life mufc since the day i was born thanks to daddy haha so no offence but if ur gunna tork 2 me dnt sart a debate about football coz u will loose badly and may also get offended other than that im a cool cat :D so jus tork 2 me :D:D:D xxxx OH BTW Im ALSO FAT hahahahaha and i love it!!!!
they been busy say they didnt have even a moment in their insanely busy day to pick up the phone.BULL SHIT with the invention of moblies and speed dialing it is alsmost impossible NOT to call you. i call pple frm my pocket wen i dnt even mean to. A MAN SAID we may try to make u think differently, bt we men are just like you women. we like taking time out our day to talk to someone we like, it makes us happy,n we like to be happy. if i were into you, you would be the right spot in my horrible da
My Funniest Moment... me n nayfan watchin micheal mcintire n laffin at the grizzly pillow :) hahahaha xxx xxxx