In my own words waaaayyyy well im finaly back from afghan and i must say what a friggin shit hole i tell ya that place needs a bomb dropping on it. well what else can i say hmmmm well i love love love a kebab at the end of a night out but hate the burps in the morning, morning breath+last night kebab and beer well that shit is allll fucked up emmmm im in to my music big time quite liking stone sour at the moment. yes im in the military an yes i pose a little sumtimes in the pics i mean u gals do it so why cant i hmmmm hmmmm? i hav little brother who is a little shit but i remember wen i was a lil twat sum might say i still am and i will never grow up and you know what i say to that (pfffft jigger plz) ohh yeah if u can cook spag bol better than me ur the shizzle x ;)
passed out today was the best and most emotional day of my life seven months of blood sweat an tears best time of my life. n e way now i hav been given when im goin 2 iraq feb 16 2009. time 2 put all my skills in to action can not wait .
My Funniest Moment... went 2 party in the park havin a top day when me an all my mates were on are way ova 2 the food stall were one of my mates shouted his brother mike, mike turns around were james then kicked a nappi that was on the floor at him the nappi then opened up in mid are an hit mike square in the face shit an piss every were all other lads are on the floor cryin with laffin that much while mike is chasin james round a fuckin feild so so funni