In my own words
 Hey, well in Susan. I no longer use faceparty.. But here's my story in my own words! I joined faceparty 10 years ago on the hunt to find true love, and there he was.. Sean (xxxgizza) from the day we messaged one another, we really got to know one another well, we met up a couple months later and started to see one another, couple weeks from there we fell in love and became girlfriend and boyfriend. These last 9 years have been the best time of my life... He purposed, we moved out and got our own place, we got two wonderful cats and got married and now have the most beautiful baby girl in the world. Those who say meeting love on a network site doesn't last... We've done it! From day one I knew he was the one, and I can't wait to see what else the future has in store for us! Never give up... Love is out there!
Well, here's my happy ending... Hope yours is too!
Thank you faceparty for bringing us together x |