Name: | xxheather07xx | |  | Details: | 32 years old (Pisces), Female, Single, Straight |  | Location: | warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | |
In my own words
 x lets face it lyfs a laff so fuk cryin fytin an frownin jus smile ya myt lyk it x
x oLd eNoUgH To kNoW BeTtEr tOo YoUnG tO CaRe x da way it shud b!!
x ThErE CoMeS a TiMe In YoUr LiFe..WhEn YoU rEaLiSe WhO MaTtErS,WhO NeVeR DiD,AnD WhO AlWaYs WiLl..So DoNt WoRrY AbOuT ThE PeOpLe FrOm ThE PaSt BeCaUsE ThErEs A ReAsOn WhY ThEy DiDnT MaKe It To YoUr FuTuRe x |
The Meaning Of Life...
 xx Lyfs 2 short to wake up in the morning with regrets x so love the people who treat you right x 4get about the ones who don't x Believe everything happens for a reason x If you get a chance,take it x If it changes your life,let it x Nobody said that itd b easy they just promised itd be worth it xx |