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Tru Gooner!! =P
Name: Sami J
Details: 34 years old (Virgo), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: felixstowe nr ipswich, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/xx_s_j_xx
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In my own words

Well im addicted 2 buyin trainers lol, i luv the arsenal!! Im goalkeeper 4 ipz town womens, bin playin footy all mi lyf.Im the type of person u can tell netin n it wont get out, i get told im hilarious n i can lighten up the darkest days! If u got dis far congratulations i havent bored u yet!! Still lookin 4 dat 1 tru love evry1 says dats out der! i beg 2 differ! Well dnt wna giv 2 much away so if u reli wna kno nemor giv me a msg... Sami-j xx
My Eternal Dilemma...

why is it dat there calld steps outside but stairs inside? why is it dat ppl point 2 der wrist wen they ask 4 the time but dey dnt point 2 der crotch wen dey ask wher the toilet is? why do ppl ask ppl at a bus stop if the bus has gone?, if it has den why wud dey b standin der!! why is if u stand at a bus stop wiv no shelter is alwayz rains! wen u hav an answer 2 des plz let me kno!! Y is it dat bugs allwayz seem 2 find a way in but can neva find der way out?
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dealer04uk wrote...  
hey soz mail on here ma msgs ran out! wana chatt sum tym? xx
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suffolkfarm wrote...  
Well I really going for it today, I never message anyone off my own back.
Scared of rejection mayb, I dont know.
But then again you dont know unless you try, thats what they say.
Anyway, please check out my profile and if you like then send me a message.
Hope to hear from you Alex xxx
add me on msn [email protected]
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shordash wrote...  
hey :) x
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Favorite Things

pasta...i lurve kfc 2 lol!...n chocolate fingas!!

hip hop/r&b

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its gotta b the simpsons dey r phat!

all the american pies LMAO!!

me 2 lil doggies

my cuz

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my mobile n mi collection of trainers!!!!


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