In my own words Hello there ppl! i wud like 2 c myself as a gd m8! im there 4 ne1 no matter how big or small the problem! iv just moved away frm barking.. n strangly enuf i miss it!! o wel u no the sayin, u can take the girl outa essex, but u cant take essex out of the girl... wel its sumin lik tht neway lol u get my point.. i hpe lol wel message me if u fancy a chat lol neways ppl thnx 4 lookin, take care xxx
My Worst Day... Wen my lil doggy Paddy died on 17th jan 2007... He was only 8 and was perfectly fine.. He was sick and within 4 hours he died :( ... I will always miss him and he will always b in my thoughts.xxxx it wnt b the same without him xxxx
hey bbe yu ok wuu2 thn anythin mch then i was just lwkin at yur pofile and yu seem a nice person to talk as a frend is it ok if i cn hv yur msn pls wb x