|  Name: | [K]elly | |  | Details: | 36 years old (Leo), Female, Single, Straight |  | Location: | [S]tanley [C]o.[D]urham, Durham, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/xstanleylassx |
  In my own words
 ´*.(*. .*).*´ «´° Kelly ´» ..*(.* *.)*.,. iiTS HARDCOR3 BAYBii33 <<<<[[..MWAH!!]]=]â„¢ D i a m o n d s A r e S t u n n i n A n d S o A r e P e a r l s B u t N o t h i n g C o m p a r e s T o U s S t a n l e y G i r l s.. .. If you really love someone You'll go through Anything && Figure it out No matter how Hard it is. .. Thiinggsss Happpennn... Peoplee Changee Liifeee Goess Onn.. Neverrr Look Bakkk On The Things Your Regret |
 The Meaning Of Life...
 *§omewHere ThEre'§ , §omEone, :.* .~.WhO~DreAm§~Of YoUr.~. :.*§Mile* AnD FiNd§ In YoUr.: ~*Pre§eNce ThAt *LiFe* I§ WoRth WHile*~ *.:§o WhEn You ARe *LoNely*:.* ~.RemEmber It'§ *TrUe*.~ .:*§omebOdy* §omeWhere:. ~I§ ThiNking Of *YoU*~ |
  Comments | 10 of 57 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | zigzagmad wrote... | |  | hi kelly you alright then flower?, did you move down south then pet and if so how's it going, take care xx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | haydn69 wrote... | |  | so ur a raver same here whats ur addy and ill send u a fat turn lol xxxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | zigzagmad wrote... | |  | hi kelly, hows you flower, ain't seen you on here in ages, you keeping well hun, and what you been upto?, take care xx |  |  |  | send message |
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