In my own words
 I'm Just Me That's All I Can Be No More, No Less, No Second Guess I Laugh, I Love, I Live, I Cry & Sometimes I Wish That I Would Die Sometimes I'm Funny, Others Im Not Sometimes I'm In Overdrive & I Can't Stop You May Not Like Me But That's Okay This Is Me & Its How Im Gona Stay!! |
My Mum Says...
 its better to be safe than sorry! |
Comments | 10 of 43 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | hot-lad4u wrote... | |  | hey there how you doing,hope your ok. you look absolutely gorgeous, fancy a chat sometime xx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | super-christian wrote... | |  | haha! oh yeah! LMAO! i had to accept it, its a classic! TOP BIRD as most guys would say! lol glad u pointed that one out xx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | billy82 wrote... | |  | hey ya how are you? long time no speak, still lookin great though. x |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | lexpineapple wrote... | |  | hey thanks for commenting :) yes i pose much :p and yeah plenty of creepy people on here : for example some bloke commented saying i so wanna suck you off im like how flattering :S |  |  |  | send message |
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