In my own words hiyaaaa !!!! i hate these fings never no wat to say!! so if ya wanna tlk or wat eva add me on msn [email protected] or gis a little message on here an il get bk 2 ya!! o yer if ya goin 2 rate me will ya b nice to me lol om carnt wait till july 3 weeks in turkey me loren carnt wait hun love ya!!!!anyway dnt no wat else to say so cya l8r xxx wakey wakey rise n shine out of bed n into mine ur so sexi ur so fine i want ur body on top of mine if u want me in da sack lick ur lips n message me bk xxx roses are red, leaves are green, kiss my arse coz am the queen :P xx
If I was a Millionaire... i wud av everythin i wanted xXxXxXx only messin id sort al me family an me mates out wid a bit of cash an take them all on holiday well i wish i could anyway love ya all anyway xXxXxXx
hi babe well have been to work today note much was watchin footy last night at mates like stayin in this weekend need to get a new car like wot u been doing
Hey, sorry to message on here, I just have to say how eye catchingly beautiful you are, absolutely gorgeous! I'd love to talk some time, get back in touch xxx bye bye