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Name: Tommy
Details: 32 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Coventry, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/wrighty2k5
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In my own words

I will try and keep this a short and sweet as possible. I'm Tom, I like to walk, talk, sleep and eat... Thats it really... Kidding! I go to Ernesford Grange 6thform where I am studying like a demon. Family is important; I have a big family but its cool. My hobbies all mainly revolve around performance in every median. I do lots of plays, shows and musicals etc. and I love it all crazy amounts, I am at my happiest on stage or in front of an audience. This however does NOT mean I'm stupid or not so good at academic things. I also have a crazy hobby which is harder to explain. Basically im involved in the Drumcorps activity, marched with Senators among others, play Marimba/Vibraphone. In the spare time I have left I love spending time with friends and having good times wether it be a quiet night in or on the town. Also, I work as a waiter at a posh hotel and am learning to drive. Ran out of room so message me :) Can never have to many frie
In A Perfect World...

I would be married to Dougie Poynter ;D
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9 photos
Favorite Things

Pizza!, Cookie Dough Ice Cream & Curry

I like all music

TV Show
OC, Skins, QAF US, Southpark, Hollyoaks etc


I like most films

Night Club / Bar
Colly, Ignite, Gales, Dog or Cambell

Hmmm, Bears Are Cool

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