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Just your average slice of psycho pie...
Name: Frank
Details: 46 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/whereinchicago
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Light as a leather...
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Coffee OD
In my own words

All so much prattle I can insert into this category! Alas, Ive lived in Chicago my entire life (thats in the States for some of you geographically-challenged chaps in the UK). Nevertheless, I adore this city and find it to be quite a brilliant place. Mind you, any of the information you mightve learned/heard about this city could be nothing more than a mere misconception. Im quite the history buff and can bore people for hours at a time about inconsequential facts, which makes me awesome with Trivial Pursuitâ„¢. Hah! I have a BA in Writing and spend much of my spare time consuming copious amounts of coffee and soiling paper with ink. Humor is an aspect I thrive on and certainly convey a lot of that with my daily life. Pretty dandy to run about with that perspective, albeit it can be somewhat morbid at times. Im rather peculiar, indeed, so it adds much variety to any ritual. Cheers!
My Eternal Dilemma...

...is time. I've always been an advocate for the 30-hour day. I love my job, and I have pleasure spending time with friends and loved ones. However, there are just moments when I feel like I'm spreading myself too thin. I don't consider myself busy but always need something to do. Generally, I get about four hours of sleep a night. But in those four hours, it's GOOD sleep. No worries; coffee pot isn't empty just yet. :)
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Favorite Things

Asparagus, salmon, sushi, steak, Miracle Whip

Gusgus, Underworld, Orbital, Scumfrog, Nitzer Ebb

TV Show
The Closer, Stargate: SG1, CSI, Law & Order

Dale Peck, Joseph Heller, Sinclair Lewis

The Exorcist, Aliens, Party Girl, Fluke

Night Club / Bar
It used to be Polly Esther's on Chicago/Franklin

Dogs, canines, foxes, wolves, etc.

Mr. Bill -- Oh no!!!!

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