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a half asian lad who loves life
Name: WaftyMann06
Details: 35 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Rochdale, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/waftyman
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me drunk n messin about
good pic
me on a break at work.
In my own words

well first of all i love smokin weed, and i dont giv a fuck wot anybody thinks let them try and get me to quit, aint gonna happen, secondly i cant live without tunes, my ears constantly need pumpin bass or sumat like that, i like a girl who doesnt giv a shit and just be themselves, and if they smoke weed, thats just a phat bonus. but if u see past the weed, then i am probably one of the most sorted, layed bk people u will ever meet, definately easy 2 talk 2, coz i can be a gd listener when i av2. PARTY ON
If I was a Millionaire...

i'd giv all my mates a million each, i'd buy myself a massive house loadsa phat cars and i'd get myself a pet monkey.
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Favorite Things

curry, chinese

metal, rap, hardcore, anything

TV Show
simpsons, family guy , american dad, shameless

dont read much

nightmare on elm street

Night Club / Bar
anywhere rockin

penguins, monkeys, snakes, dogs

chris tucker

jamaica, amsterdam, bed



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