so so stunning, keep up all the good work looking so beautiful baby!!! :-) be really nice to get to know u better and chat more so i dont know if u have msn? but i will leave that upto u... xx G xx
hiya hun, im darrell n im 21 from haydock in sthelens im sure u no wer sthelens is not being 2 far away n all. so how r ya? ope ur gud coz u certainly luk it by judging ur picture on here. as u can tell iv bin lukin at dem and lukin at ur profile and they are great. so wot kinda things u like doin coz it dont realy go into detail on ur profile? mayb if ur board sumtime babe u can catch me on msn or even send me an email n we can chat. speak soon lv darrell x x x heres ma msn add
Wow!! You're stunningly beautiful if you don't mind me saying. How are you doing? Have a quick once over my profile and if you think we'd get along, as i do I'd love to chat. I've MSN messenger on: [email protected] If you don't wish to chat, take care! xxx