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Name: Lewis
Details: 40 years old, Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: wirral, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/uksurferdude
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Picture of gym lovin' me!
Picture of gym lovin' me!
In my own words

Life is too short, enjoy it, live it. I want to go to as many places as possible. I want to meet as many people as possible. I want to enjoy life. Cant be arsed regretting things that happen in the past or worry about the future. Life is too short.

I love travelling, going to beaches, watching films. I love going to the gym and taking myself to the limit, pushing myself to the max.

I love hanging out with a hot chick. I love hanging out with a hot guy. My sexuality is confusing as hell to me but I enjoy it. I love lads and girls. I love freedom.

If your a girl or a lad feel free to get in touch.

If you dont like people who are gay / bisexual then I dont want to hear your abuse. Life is about living and I am well into livin' mine.

I cant express how much I enjoy life, how I enjoy living it and I want to eventually be with someone who enjoys exploring life and this world we live in as much as I do. If your on msn, send me
My Dream Date...

Would be with a beautiful girl or a beautiful guy... spending a day on the beach, having fun, sunbathing, relaxing... a meal in the evening which must include seafood as that makes me horny... and then a romantic walk on the beach as the sun goes down and we find a nice quiet spot where we can....
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
djhumpty wrote...  
hi i like ur attitude to life msn me [email protected]
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willsssss wrote...  
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the_real_steve8 wrote...  
fella ur hot txt me asap ;-)
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Favorite Things

Dim sum

rap, rnb, anything I can chill out to on the beac

TV Show
lost, 24

Dan Brown

The Last Castle

Night Club / Bar

not into animals really

whoever i am with

Jamaica, Africa, Thailand

my ipod


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