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Its all corny, but if you got you're most welcom to read on!!!
Name: trouble80
Details: 42 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Gay
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/trouble80
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I was bored at work!!!
In my own words

Right, who reads this?!

Very outgoing, personable, easy to get along with, but really I am the last person you wanna make cross. I normally extend my hand to people but find it hard to extend it again if it was bitten once.

Friends would probably say I don't take fools lightly either and can get very impatient but really underneath it all I am really nice, truly!

I can't say what mix I am below but am part white part asian (Thai, English & Chinese)
In A Perfect World...

In a perfect world I would be on the beach with my Marlboro Man, owing a beach resort whilst my sister is the Executive Chef in the resort we both own together!

It would be next to a hill of some sorts and I would have my hut overlooking the bay with an outside shower and jacuzzi!

Hey we can all dream! But in reality, my perfect world would be just getting by comfortably - its a sobering thought but if you got this far then you would have an idea of how my mind wor
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Favorite Things

Anything with chilli, namely Thai, Thai, Thai

Dance for trip to work, varied taste but not pop

TV Show
Thrashy american sitcoms series

James Clemens, Raymond Feist, Patrica Cornwall

Color Purple, Sliding Doors, Shawshank Redemption

Night Club / Bar
Ah there is few but that would be telling!

Cats & Dogs


Banyan Tree Resort in Laguna, Phuket!

My collection of shoes!


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