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everyone to their own that's what i say
Name: Tim
Details: 37 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: North of London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/trotting_shame
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pervy bastard
suggestive fun with yoghourt
Extreme Resing at Waterloo Station
In my own words

i am a guy who really doesn't care about the future and lives for today and nothing makes me happier than listening to the Smashing Pumpkins and just rocking out on my guitar. I compose and do all other kinds of rock stuff and generally love music. I am a performer and actor and can sing pretty well if i may say so myself. And the sooner the human race blows itself up the better i say, i mean what a bloody mess eh?
If I was a Millionaire...

i would give all my money away and live as a hermit knowing that i had lived and lost and been an utter fool. Also i would buy an umbrella for those rainy days ahead. And a life's supply of hot chocolate and a gas stove to keep me warm.
Or maybe i would buy a raft(a nice one), sail out to sea and never be seen again.
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Favorite Things

fruit, pasta, meat (especially lamb) hmmmm lamb

rock, alternate rock, soft rock, jeazz, funk

TV Show
Black Books, Family Guy, Futurama

Tad Williams

Toy story 2 all the way.

Night Club / Bar
in my living room where the people dance and play

Hedgehog / human (ooh crafty)

Billy Corgan.Rosemund Pike.Dylan Moran.Shaft.

The top of any mountain or in any bed or both

I can live without almost anything y'know hmmmm


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