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Blonde hair Blue Eyes *height*5,9,,65 Kilos
Name: Tory
Details: 38 years old (Aquarius), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Sydney, Australia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/toryoz
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This car has been through hell and back for me
In my own words

Ok I finally found out what my waist measurement is ( I had it on Rather Not say for years., ( I hate clothes and anything to do with them) (Why cant we all just walk around naked)Im not good with talking about myself but I managed to fill out everything I Love life, friends, a good night out and also enjoy a quiet one in:)I have a great family a busy lifestyle,I love travelling up and down the coast visiting friends and relative's , meeting new people The way to my heart is With Bourbon an coke I also like , Camping fishing off roading horse riding Go karting Cruising. I hope to find Mr right. If you want to chat I have msn [email protected]
My Mum Says...

That Life's like a box of chocolate's! wait that was someone else's mother :) hmm,, MY Mum always says .. That she never raised me to sit at the back of the bus Or To Judge anyone ,Always stand up for what you believe in, Try to help those in need. Make the best with what you have. Blood is thicker than water, Keep you friends close and your enemy's closer. Keep a posotive attitude , An she made me a promise that if someone ever F**Kd with me once it wouldnt happen again
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Favorite Things

Oriental, Mexican Thai, Supersize me!

I like a little from all kinds, and older style,

TV Show
I like the simpsons, House, The C.I an Nat Geo

Danielle Steel

I like Movies based on real events

Night Club / Bar
Stonewall. and a few clubs in my area

I can be at times :P Nah id have to say a Lion

The CharacterHouse an Homer Simpson hes so lazy

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EnglandNZBali.Qld.Syd Melb My car on along rd

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