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You can take the girl out of Cardiff, but not the Cardiff out of the Girl!
Name: Krysta
Details: 39 years old (Virgo), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Bridgend...Wales!!!, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/tiggi
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Lets go clubbing baby! lol
me march 06
In my own words

"Don't ever let anyone tell you, you're not worth what you want"

I enjoy my life and live it to the full and if that means sometimes i have to sacrifice my sanity then so be it! Think of me as an "All Nite Raver"!The mad one who never shuts up!
The Meaning Of Life...

Is: -
Learing to love yourself and dealing with the things that are constantly thrown at you during your time. The hurdles you have to clime over and the obsticals you have to go around make you a better person everytime you defeat them!
Growing with your experiences, both good and bad...either way you get stronger with each and every one of them!
To die happy is the ultimate meaning in life, to know you have lead a happy life!
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Favorite Things

Chillie Pizza(pizza magic)Stuffed crust(pizzahut)

Anything that sounds good to the ear

TV Show
WIll&Grace, ER and Medium

Steven King and Chicken Soup Collections

Blade1,2+3-Westly in rubber?Nothing Beats That!

Night Club / Bar
Creation, Tiger Tiger The list goes on!

My 6 Huskies Nia,Diesel,Logan, Rain, Indi & Flint

My Nan "Tell the truth+Shame the Devil"

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Canada with my friends and family!

My Lighter!Hard to lite a fag without it!


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