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Jesus! What Gorgeous Monkeys We Are Kenneth Patchen -The Journal of Albion Moonlight
Name: C MC
Details: 43 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Open Minded
Location: Back in Maine...ahhhh, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/themostenept
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In my own words

It's not about how things change, it's about what stays the same!-life pulsates!-and in a heart beat what was so pressing a moment ago has little signifance Now! I lament things too much! I want to be in the moment, be content in what is inherently beautiful, to find solace in simple things-Nature, Being on the ocean, Star watching,Friendship, A good book, Comfortable silence,... I just want to strive to be a person of quality-challenge myself-enjoy all the little idiosyncrasys in people!
...I think too much!
...and what of love? We all want someone to witness our lives, hear our stories, share our triumphs and console us when we fall=I truly believe the body is only a vessel for what is truly important= The Heart and The Mind! I want someone to compleate me in this way, someone to be their for me, Friendship is essential! write Me=C
From Now On...

Kikin' up a storm from the day that I was born
Sing a song for me one from let it be
Open up yer eyes, get a grip of yerself inside
You betcha!

Get up early!...Enjoy the Craic
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Vegetarian/ Italian-o


TV Show
FamilyGuy-Malcolm In The Middle-Black Adder

Camus...etc. etc. etc.

Amelie/Dead Man(Jarmouch)

Night Club / Bar

My German Shepherd

A Blue Eyed Jesus

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The Center of Paralysis...In your arms looking at



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