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°º¤ø,,ø¤º°`°º¤ø, ,Beautiful Disaster°º¤ø,,ø¤º°`°º¤ø, ,
Name: º°˜`°º× Tony ׺°˜`°º
Details: 46 years old (Capricorn), Male, In Relationship, Gay
Location: Eltham, London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sydenhamboy
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Me in the bathroom mirror
Me & my good friend Neil
Me & some good friends in London
In my own words

My name's Tony, I'm 31, live in Eltham South East London. I'm pretty much you're average guy in many respects. I have a boyfriend of nearly a year and a half and it's going well :)
Why am I on here, to perhaps chat to a few new people and who knows, maybe make a few new friends?

I have just enrolled for a Barbering course so hopefully I'll be starting that later in the year. As far as hobbies go I like the usual guy things, holidays, socialising, meals out, films and cinema, gym, swimming, cycling etc. I love cars of pretty much all kinds and can't wait to get another Octavia VRS (for those who know their cars)? I also love weekend trips away to Manchester/Birmingham etc with mates and going on holiday in the sun!
If you like the sound of that and want to chat message me for my msn.
PS If you message me and I don't get back to you it'd probably because i'm out of messages and i'll reply asap. T :)
My Mum Says...

'Stop it or you'll go blind'.... 'don't ask me for money'.... 'get your finger out your nose'.... 'that's disgusting!.... 'are you losing weight?'.... 'you look ill'.... 'stop it or i'll tell your father'.... 'for gods sake stop playing with it'....'you must take after your father cos i never did that at your age!....'where you been all weekend'....'Is that your new boyfriend?'....'you're a diiirty little stop-out'....'i'm never going to have grandchildren' *deep sigh*
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Various pics of me & my mates
25 photos
Favorite Things

I love so much, i'm surprised i'm not hugely fat!

Random & Eclectic taste

TV Show
Skins, Shameless, Grand Designs

Anne Rice, but haven't really read in ages

Bad Education, Song for a Raggy Boy, City of God

Night Club / Bar
Queer Manchester

Anything small & cute that you can play with!

My mum, she's the greatest :)

Gran Canaria

Freedom (we should all appreciate it more)


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