|    In my own words
 hello,im dave.im 5ft0.i dont have much confidence around girls due 2 bein bullied badly afew years ago by sum girls n because of my 'shyness' its lead 2 some silly things hapenin.mainly bcos my female mates like 2 play pranks on me n make fun of it.but dispite that,most my mates r female n i like goin 2 clubs,pubs n things with them.i wanna say hi 2 my best mates kim,amy, kirsty,zoe, & also stacey & her mates.i like meetin new ppl, goin out,TV, surfin da web,movies n music n havin a laugh-although quite often ppl r laughin at me! if like that kinda thing then write me a msg.i'll chat 2(& maybe meet) ne1 so send me a msg,add me 2MSN PS. dont 4get 2 rate me too!!!! |
 Blog | |  |  |  | Birthday meet August 30th and Sept 6th
|  | Hello every1, im gonna b goin out 4 mi bday on Saturday 30th August 2008 and the followin Saturday on the 6th if ne1 is interested in comin along or meetin me 4 it then feel free 2 show up or email/ txt me.
if u hav ne suggestions on places 2 go dat wud b cool as well. |
 In A Perfect World...
 i wudnt lack confidence 2stand up4 myself around girls &a lot of da worst pranks my m8s otha girls hav done wudnt hapen,ne1 wana txt my profile name 2da top of fp?(only jokin but if u wana u can lol) Also in a perfect world there wud also not being any arseholes! Best things in life WUD b free!! my new num is 07842 834117 |
|  |   Favorite Things Food anythin Music jossStone,kilers.casc ada,goldfrap . anythin gd TV Show simpsons Author dont read much Movie anythin funny, actions Night Club / Bar anywhere dats gd Animals you lol!no,actually it was ... *guess* Person kim,Amy,Zoe,kirsty, helen,linda ,stacey Website Click here to view Place my mates place n mayb urs?! lmao Possession/Thing laptop,money, CDplayer, ipod,fone |
 Details Last logged onCool Tools™ only Advanced statsCool Tools™ only |
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