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Name: shann2626
Details: 30 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/shann2626
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Shooot for the stars
This man has the sweetest moves
Pink hair race for life OOSH
In my own words

I have my neck lip tounge ears pierced.
I have 2 tattoos.
Worlds worst dancer yet still try.
Guys with arms bigger than my head scare me.
I feel the need to make a hideous face when a camera comes near me.
I am addicted to redbull & have to listen too magic every evening.
Im a hairdresser/barmaid.
I drink wine like its water.
Dislike people with private photos ( odd) or who cant spell or say sxc buff any of that VOMMMM.
And im pretty bonkers :)
OH ... and im going to Australia for a while in January.
My Eternal Dilemma...

Why guys shave their chests?
Why girls think its respectable too get arse boobs legs stomaches out?
Why some old peope are so rude?
Why is healthy food so boring?
Why am i not tanned naturally constanty?
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Me & Friends
14 photos
Favorite Things


TV Show
eastenders slightly addicted haha sadddd

Night Club / Bar
one with lots of boozeeee.

penquin .. too cute

mum & best friends

my cute car & bed


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