In my own words Hayloo!! Ma names shanice but sum ppz call me neecey woopwoop!!<3 I luv dain athletics n stuff lyk 2 keep fit yups i do =] Party it the weekends duh fa dusna u dnt get drunk u get wasted oooh very nice ;) well dats jst a lil bout me if ya want 2 kehn mare u can add me on msn jst ask Chears BIG ears teehee :P:P
From Now On... Theres no holding bck now dat ur hear..x cuz loosin yhew 4eva is wan of ma fears...x
heyah hun u cnt recieve ne more messages so ill leave u my message as a comment newayz how u doin?x lovin the profile sexi as fook pics neways id like to chat sum more so get back in touch lv jay x