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Name: sexylexy104
Details: 32 years old (Leo), Female, Single, Straight
Location: sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sexylexy104
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In my own words

i like to smile looooads!!i love meetin new people cos their rite intresting(usually)if u wanna talk to me go for it!! ill talk to anyone xxx
In A Perfect World...

everything would be like alice in wonderland where like nothing makes sense cos no one would need to take drugs cos it would just be like being on a permanent trip
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Comments 10 of 17 | post a comment | view all
offishal wrote...  
hey u gd bbe
wot u do over wkend
wow ur a serious hotty x
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corneliousbrown wrote...  
hey i was lookin thru peoples profiles and i think ur totally gorgeous,any chance i cud get ur msn?? mines [email protected] chat soon hopefully
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brb2285 wrote...  
hey! where in sheffield u from? im from Aston, anyway wanna chat?
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bananabender wrote...  
nice pics :)
hope you're having a good week!
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lover_u wrote...  
hay babe j/w if u got msn??? n yor lookin stunnin in all your pics btw babe xxx
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jpa wrote...  
Hehe... I love most types of music, my favourites probably Metal/Rock, Love Rammstein...However as i sit hereim listening to Rihanna...but thats our secret.... Film?...Interesting, not a big film buff myself, although the best films ever made were the Die hard Trilogy :)
Argueings inevitable because we both love being right....probably as stubborn as each other...but it has its benefits ;)
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n_ina wrote...  
Worth it for the comedy factor haha does sound kinda funny actually :P
yeahh airport is an aaace place to work, i just play with planes all day then go home :) xx
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n_ina wrote...  
oh dear, that doesnt sound good! poor u.
enchiladas are mexican wraps, cannot believe uve never had them, they are amazing!
I work at Leeds/Bradford airport. u? xx
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n_ina wrote...  
Aaww what you done to your foot sweetness?
I worked this morning, then went to gym :)
Chill time now, mmm enchiladas! you done anything fun fun today? xx
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n_ina wrote...  
Your welcome :)
Ima good thanks. Just home from work, sleeeepy now. how are you? xx
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rite into justin timberlake atm

TV Show

louise rennison

alice in wonderland

cat or dog probs

my sister(sometimes)


lip balm


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