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Mowgli goes home - if you would like to see a vid of me flicking my bean text 885....whatever!!
Name: Sean
Details: 44 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Devon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/seanl23
Recent photos47 photos | view all
Pretty in Pink
Falling out the sky
In my own words

Been on off here for a long time now, not overly bothered with it but only because 9 times out of 10 they are not the right person for me.

If you feel like you shouldn't really be on here and there is more to you than the average person do get in touch.

Note: please be a active and out going, NO negative people please.
My Worst Day...

I have a selection:
1. The night I grabbed the power cable for the whole street.
2. The night I snapped my penis!!! :-O
3. Stuck on a frozen waterfall for 15 hours trying to ice climb for the first time!

Not that bad really, just living life.
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
cheekychicklisa wrote...  
Hey hotness! How've u been? Still in the uk or u off doin more monkey impressions? xxxx
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rachel4750 wrote...  
i'm rather jealous of your lifestyle!!
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fuckable_f_ wrote...  
I hope you realise that every time you poke me it turns me on ;)
Just having my daily perv hehe - Chat soon x
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kelbcuk wrote...  
Yo dude!! Make sure you let us know when you go!! Must catch up before you go!!! Have a fab New Year Take care Kels x
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Sean and animals - hmmmm
5 photos
ME with my clothes on - would you believe it??
10 photos
Photos of me
25 photos
Favorite Things

Roast Pork - mint choc ice-cream mmmm

Hip hop, easy listening, NuMetal, allsorts

TV Show
Scrubs, Crocodile Hunter

Lots - factual

Forest Gump, American History X, Finding Nemo

Night Club / Bar
Where ever my dacing feet/ alcohol take me


Muhammad Ali,Michael Jordon, My family

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Soft sand, crashing waves, starry sky



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