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your only jealous cos the lil voices onli talk to me xxxx xxxx
Name: s3xylilprincess
Details: 36 years old (Libra), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: *my boyfriends arms*, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/s3xylilprincess
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fukin come on!!!!
my lil sis and her boy-friend
xx my nephew cody xx
In my own words

**well hello there to all the sexy boyzzz!!! yh im a crazy raver and i love it...:) i like to do all the crazy shit and get fukin smashed at the weekendz!!! so if ya like what ya c yh message me x x x oh yh... im not a lesbian so all the gals find sum 1 else plz unless ya really fit then i might think 2wice haha x x x x
(((To all my galz out there)))
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a min
In A Perfect World...

I'd be 4inch taller. Boys would come with a reciept, warrenty, guarentee & brain. I'd own a money making machiene. Nightclubs would never close. I'd never grow old. Dad would start to like the boys that i bring home. I'd start to like the boys that i bring home lol Gavin Henson would live next door. I'd live in Miami & fly every1 over. War & Poverty would be wiped out. Christmas would come everyday & I'd have the Yorkie advert banned...Who says it's not for girls!!!? :+(
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Comments 10 of 22 | post a comment | view all
truesweetboi wrote...  
wow ur beautiful fancy a chat sum tym wb on here and add me [email protected] scott x
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zigzagmad wrote...  
hi flower, how's the leg doing?, any better you wild party animal lol, seriousley thou hope your feeling better take care pet xxx
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zigzagmad wrote...  
morning michelle, how's you flower, you keeping well then pet?, hugs xx
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zigzagmad wrote...  
hi michelle ain't seen you on here in ages, you keeping well flower?, how are you, and what you been upto, take care xx
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joeboysguns wrote...  
i do like what i see and i love to rap my self round you xxxx
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mac666 wrote...  
how have you been hunni?
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stevo_no1 wrote...  
cor rnt u stunning babe.how r u.up 2 much.add me on msn [email protected] would love to get to no ya better.ur so gorgeous aswell.x
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zigzagmad wrote...  
thanks for accepting my invite michelle, hope your keeping well, hugs xxx
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polecat911 wrote...  
wow x
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spittincobra wrote...  
ello sexy hows u xx
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**strawberry'z and champayne**


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armagedon (mint film)

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(liquid,niche) SHEFFIELD....

*chuwawa* xxxx

xx...my children...xx

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** my boyfriends bed **

XX being smashed XX


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