In my own words Im a down to earth gal and im not judgemental i love children and enjoy working with them and have a diploma in childcare and have just completed a degree in early childhood studies and now attempting a BA. Im hopin to become a teacher but have to take the long route around i enjoy socialising perhaps thats why i go to college i never wanna leave and grow up lol . I would say i was very easy to get on but i have a bad habbit off always saying sorry im afraid. I love cars but i dont no alot about them im better behind the wheel than under the bonnet debatable to that lol typical women driver hehe!!!
This Week's Plan... I dont really have plans I take each day and living life as it comes. I love to do spontanous thinks i hate plans and feeling like you have to rush about. Maybe to chill out a bit more and to be care free of college assignements till they are due to be handed in i defenatly work well under presure hehe.