In my own words <3 H*e*y*a(L)E*v*e*r*y*o*n*e <3 Im Emma... i preety much love everythink to do with life..such as-Designer clothes-family-clubz-alchol-friends-bullrin g-AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST -boy's(men)hehe...I am preety outgoing i love new things and adventures :).. There is a serten somebody in my life tht i am with 24/7 an tht is my amazing best mate sam..she is always there for me wen i need her no matta what she is amazin n i love her to pices<3..I hate SIMMY'S + COSAVANS + JODAKI'S:@!! n there the few things i hate in life!:P! i have to stop goin to the local wiv my bezzie m8 becuz it is gettin to frequent now lol! owell u onli live onces.<3.Plz if ur a lesbian dnt message me i dnt swing tht way. n all men be under 20:):)rate me n message me love you all emz xx..xx
LONDON lmaoooo day trip
went to london today !! was a laff! hahahaha got pissed in the pub n the robbed a fukin post card lmao ghetttoooo.NO RELE....Marlyebone train station alday lmao waitin for a jigga ! wat a twat he turned out to be lmaoooo. then sum sexiii assss boi on the train yummmmyyy!!! lmao PERVERTS ! WEE WENT ONE THE BIG WHEEL... WENT AN SEEN THE PALACE.. SEXY ASS GAURDS YUM.. NEALLY GOT STABBED BY AFUKIN DRUNKIN OLD MAN THT SMELT OF PISS AND SHIT EWWWW....LOVE EMMA AN SAM THANKS FOR LISTEN XXX
Life is full of beautiful things: soft sunsets, painted rainbows, delicate blossoms, love & laughter, quiet moments and a gorgeous looking lady like yourself :-) xxx