|  Name: | .:* !! TaShA !!° *:. | |  | Details: | 34 years old, Female, In Relationship, Straight |  | Location: | . + * + ..*!NoTtInGhAm!* .. + * + ., Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/playboy_bunni19 |
  In my own words
 D nAmEz TaShA Im 20, oRiGiNaLlY fRoM rEdDiTcH bUt NoW lIvIn In NoTtInGhAm. Im OuTgOiNg, AlWaYs Up 4 A lAfF, StRoNg MiNdEd, CoNfIdEnT, FrIeNdLy N dWn 2 EaRtH. I lIvE 4 ThE wEeKeNdS :D N sO wAt .. I LOVE MaKeUp N fAkE tAn N hAiR eXtEnSiOnS, BuT dUz ThIs MkE mE a HoE?? NO!!! U eItHa LoVe Me Or HaTe Me i DNt RlI cArE! I aM hU i Am, I wNt cHnGe 4 Ne1 Or nEfIn!! I sPeNd EvRy PeNnY i Gt On ClOtHeS! So WaT i LyK 2 LuK gD, U gT mE? .. SUM ADVICE 4 ALL DEM HATERZ...DNT JUDGE PPL B4 U NO DEM!!! |
 In A Perfect World...
 *:.(`v´) .:* LaDs WuDnT b ChEaTeRs, ThOsE u LoVe WuD nEvA lEaVe, Id B lIvIn ThE pErFeCt LiFe AbRoAd SuMwEr!!I'D b RiCh N jUs Av A lYf Of ShOpPiN n ClUbIn!! I WuD LiVe In A MaSsIvE hOuSe On ThE bEaCh!! N iD b F***In GoRgEoUs CuZ iD hAv ThE mOnEy 2 MkE mYsElF lUk It!! :P I cUd Go On 4EvA!! *:.(`v´) .:* |
  Comments | 10 of 47 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | skunk123 wrote... | |  | Hey babe i have a new msn havent added any of my addys...Your linked on my faceparty so must of been on my list...Can i re have your add thank you xxx<3 nuff love |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | doorman4eva wrote... | |  | Hi hows u? Was just looking around and came across your profile and thought i would stop by and see how you are doing? I also wanted to say that you look stunning and any guy who has a chance with you is a lucky lucky man hope you dont mind me saying that? Bit more abt me im dave 24 from the west mids. Im a security guard working for the nhs. Enjoy clubbing, goin cinema, wining n dining, goin 2 the gym, walks and cosy nites in wiv a dvd. If u like the sound of me then id love 2 chat so |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | shysally90 wrote... | |  | Hi gorgeous. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are absolutely stunning hun. Shame your straight tho, I could do some really naughty things to you he he ;) Wanna chat? xxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | tefhl wrote... | |  | yea yea good thanks just been workin all weekend and tired as fuck and day off 2m wooo hooo lol u good then huny? whats u up 2? any new details 4 me :p lol xxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |   Favorite Things Food *..PiZzA, ChOcOlAtE, ChInEsE ..* Music *.. HaRdCoRe ..* TV Show *.. PrIsOn BrEaK n HoLlYoAkS ..* Author *.. Do MaGaZiNeS cOuNt?! ..* Night Club / Bar *.. BaRrAcUdA,aRcAdIaN,HiDdEn ..* Animals *.. ;) I cAn B ;) ..* Person *.. My BaBy N My GrAnDaD ..* Place *.. Ma BeD ..* Possession/Thing *.. gHdS,mA jEwElLrY,mKeUp ..* |
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